Friendly Banter

"Where are all the old players"
Started by Mr. PeaBody on 8/3/2019 1:28:51 PM

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Mr. PeaBody
8/3/2019 1:28 PM
Mr. PeaBody
8/3/2019 1:30 PM
Just wondering where Hedgie, Ella, CC, Suzie Wong, ect eect are at?? Come play with us?!!!!
8/3/2019 11:11 PM
No Joke!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
8/5/2019 1:16 PM
Who're you calling old?????

8/6/2019 10:50 AM
Suzi, Aipy, and I are going to try to be here tonight at 9:00 eastern. :-) I hope you'll be here, Pea!
8/10/2019 6:26 PM
Mr p

You cant help wondering

8/12/2019 1:39 PM
Does anyone play this game anymore? Here, Acrozilla, Acrofever or elsewhere.
Mr. PeaBody
8/12/2019 5:55 PM
Ella is was nice to play with you, Suzi, Codder, and all the other night you all have not lost your touch! :)
8/14/2019 2:17 PM
Hahaha Pea. I never had the touch. I like to socialize...and sometimes people close their eyes and vote, and that's when I win. ;-)
Mr. PeaBody
8/26/2019 1:03 PM
Thank You Michal we missed our Acro Therapy Sessions!!!!
8/26/2019 9:33 PM
Mr. PeaBody
8/27/2019 9:46 AM
lol Ella does my spelen bugg you??:)

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