NOT-SO Friendly Banter

"Hmmm anyone else notice?"
Started by fuct on 9/10/2018 3:07:35 AM

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9/10/2018 3:07 AM

I jus noticed siri

Is asking me questions. About stuff ive googled

This cant be good
9/13/2018 11:46 PM
Nope NOT for you fuct….... not for you!
9/14/2018 12:36 AM
Lmffao hab...

Am i the only one?
9/15/2018 11:36 PM
9/16/2018 12:27 AM
Lol i feel spechial
9/16/2018 2:54 AM
Lmao maybe i am delusional

but i dont feel. I am alone
9/21/2018 1:22 AM
AI (Artificial Intelligence) in my estimation isn't a good thing.

It seems that no one has taken the advice from the "Terminator" series of movies that making machines smart enough to learn will eventually make the human race obsolete.

The highly intellectual people that create such things seem to be lacking in a couple of human areas, namely foresight and common sense.

AI? No thanks, I'll keep it old school in my daily life.

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