Friendly Banter

"I'm Alive!"
Started by fabulousfifty1 on 7/30/2015 5:45:38 AM

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7/30/2015 5:45 AM
Haven't been here in weeks so figured I would check in and let you know I haven't checked out or anything... Steamrolling towards 63 in a few weeks.. Hope life is treating you good.. Think of some of the old friends from former days in Acro and hope you are all well.... HAVE A GREAT DAY!
7/31/2015 2:38 PM
I was wondering where you were.......Glad you are alive and as well as you can be... BTW where does the time go, this summer has been way to fast!!! Stay happy and healthy :)
7/31/2015 3:05 PM
Are you Sure?????
7/31/2015 3:05 PM
Are you Sure?????
7/31/2015 3:57 PM
As sure as I can be... Pumped full of caffeine on this hot Friday summer afternoon.. I tromped thru the shops of Amish land yesterday and lived to tell the tale... Grab a cup on this fine TGIF....

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