Friendly Banter

"The Weeklong Christmas Breakfast Club"
Started by fabulousfifty1 on 12/22/2014 4:51:24 AM

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12/22/2014 4:51 AM
HO HO HO!! It's Christmas week and I figured I would set out an endless supply of coffee and you can check in for a fresh cup when you have time.. I know my time has been quite limited for internet postings..

Still on mother duty.. this bout of diverticulits has taken the wind out of her 88 year old sails... Gonna take a spell to get her up and going again.. My time at home has been limited.. so it's reaching the point if it ain't bought and it ain't baked, IT AIN'T HAPPENING!!!

Hope you all have a great week of holiday fun... If I don't make it back.. MERRY CHRISTMAS and bring on 2015.... I'm ready!!!
Jane Eyre
12/22/2014 5:10 PM
Merry Christmas, Fabby!
12/25/2014 2:44 AM
Merry Christmas Fabby! Prayers for your Ma too.

Happy Chanukah Jane!
Jane Eyre
12/25/2014 10:57 AM
You, too, RD! A very Merry Christmas to you!
12/25/2014 5:21 PM
Merry Christmas!!!!!!
12/27/2014 8:06 PM
belated merry christmas and happy chanakuah to u jane, merry christmas to everyone else.. happy kwanza etc..
works been keepin me busy the last week or so, i volunteered for xmas eve, and day after xmas, and on new yrs eve, we gotta work new yrs day too...soo busy busy,
fabby good luck with ur mom, yall r in my thoughts,
i will check back soon! before new years..

fabby if u see this before new yrs, i got ya covered for new yrs breakfast club thread!

heres more coffee, and reg n decaf and coffee cakes

be safe this holiday season everyone!
12/27/2014 8:11 PM
RUBBYY good to see u hon! glad u stopped by, if u noticed, we have turned out breakfast club into the weeklong thread, it appears to be working with everyones hectic schedules, and craziness... soo feel free to stop in day or nite, grab a cub of coffee etc.. and sit a spell..

talk to u soon!

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