Installation and Game Issues

"Game is stuck"
Started by snipples on 2/6/2010 9:33:45 PM

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2/6/2010 9:33 PM
Game is stuck! LOL I show up and POOF! Frozen! Help!
2/6/2010 9:36 PM
stuck here too... it says i'm still in the lobby on the homepage. LOL (and i've closed out of the game)
2/6/2010 10:08 PM
Yeah.. I got home from work, kicked off my shoes and sat down to only play 4 hands then it froze. I left like 45 minutes ago but it thinks I'm still playing. Guess I'll go lay down for a bit, been up since 4am.. I'm kinda tired.
Hopefully the game will be back up when I awaken!

Sweet Dreams!

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